Liptovský Mikuáš

Colorful land of illusion

Colorful land of illusion

Main words in the ILUSIA gallery are optical illusion, mirrors and ingenious 3D paintings that will try to outmanoeuvre your eyesight. Take family or friends with you, experience a lot of fun and tricks, and take a great photo! read more
The ILUSIA gallery is all about optical illusions, mirrors and ingenious 3D paintings whose main aim is to trick one´s vision. Enjoy a lot of fun with your family and friends and have great photos taken! Make the right pose and become part of unique pictures. Let yourself be photographed on the Moon, on the famous 9¾ platform, be a ballerina for a while or get lost in the matrix.… See for yourself what colours and mirror tricks can do. Get your camera ready and capture the amusing moments to make them unforgettable.

- Activity duration: 45 – 60 minutes
- Suitable for children over 3 years (must be accompanied by adults)
- Don´t forget to take your phone or camera.
- Be prepared to take your shoes off because the gallery is accessible only for visitors wearing socks.


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Opening hours
Mo-Su: 10.00 - 18.00
 Barrier-free access
 Liptov Region Card
 Entrance fees
+421 910 580 666  
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Adventures with Nicholas - for families with children