Liptovský Mikuáš

Easygoing picnic in a gallery garden

Easygoing picnic in a gallery garden

Although located in the middle of the historical centre, Liptov Gallery of P. M. Bohúň has a beautiful garden created for picnics! So call your parents or grandparents, prepare your own snacks or buy a picnic package, rent a picnic basket and a blanket. read more
And where do you buy the goodies and rent a blanket and a picnic basket? Click HERE to learn everything! If you have everything, look for the right place and the picnic on the grass can begin.
You can also play on the playground created for children by artist Michal Hanula! The gallery garden is opened for all decent people in good weather from April to August from 7.30 till 21.00 and from September to March from 7.30 till 19.00. (dogs are prohibited here)
From the garden, you can enter the third oldest gallery in Slovakia which is named after painter Peter Michal Bohúň. He was a portraying master. Do you know what is portraying or a portrait? Read the answer: Photos were not common over 150 years ago. When somebody wanted to keep a representation of a relative or a friend, he or she had his or her portrait made. People on Bohúň´s paintings look like in reality. He paid attention to every detail – on clothes, jewels and on the portrait of 5-year-old Marienka Medvecká, he even painted candles that children used to play with in the past. Have a look at it and find a spot where he hid his signature!


- activity duration – based on client´s interest

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Opening hours
Gallery: Tu-Su: 10.00 - 17.00 Garden: april-august: 7.30 - 21.00, september-march: 7.30 - 19.00
 Barrier-free access
 Entrance fees
+421 44 552 27 58  
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Adventures with Nicholas - for families with children